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Pod Your Reef

Apocyclops panamensis Reef Copepods

Apocyclops panamensis Reef Copepods

Regular price $28.00 USD
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The Apocyclops panamensis commonly referred to as "Apo Pods" is a great addition to a reef tank due to its behavior which mimics both our Tisbe biminiensis "Tisbe"  and Tigriopus californicus "Tig" copepods. These pods will hide in the bottom of your tank in the rockwork similar to tisbe pods making them great for active hunting fish like a Mandarin. Unlike the tisbe and more like the Tig pods they will also swim through the water column allowing a variety of fish and corals to consume them. This pod is a great overall utility pod that is a must-have addition to increase the biodiversity to your reef tank and feed the most variety of fish. 

  • Reproduction Rate: Fast
  • Package Size: 8 oz
  • Order: Cyclopoida; Genus: Apocyclops
  • Included life Stage: Nauplii to adults 
  • 100% Aquacultured

Diet Advantage: Excellent source of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), high in n-3 fatty acids as the copepod will consume uneaten food and algae

Reef Advantage: High fertility, short gestation period, high fecundity, resistant to parameter swings, consumes detritus.

Apocyclops panamensis "Apo" copepods are an excellent species to seed a refugium or new reef tank. This copepod is a medium-sized copepod that is easier to see than our tisbe pod but not as large as our Tigriopus californicus "Tig" copepods, affording them the opportunity to reproduce faster than they could fall to predation. 


Recommended Light Level:

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Care Level:

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Coral Care For Apocyclops panamensis Reef Copepods

  • Coral Lighting Level Recommendations with PAR Levels

  • Recommended Flow

  • Temperament

How To Acclimate Your New Coral

Proper acclimation is crucial for new coral arrivals due to the stress they endure before reaching you. Follow this simple process immediately upon receiving your livestock. The entire procedure takes less than half an hour.

  • Step 1: Dim the Aquarium Lights

    The corals have been in complete darkness during transit and are not ready for high-output aquarium lighting. Turning off the lights reduces potential stress. Overexposure to light can harm corals that were grown under lower light conditions, causing severe damage within just a day or two.

  • Step 2: Transfer to a Larger Container

    Use a small plastic tub for acclimating new corals. You can separate the corals into different tubs, but placing them together in one tub allows for enough volume to add aquarium water and prepare a pest control dip solution if needed.

  • Step 3: Slowly Add Aquarium Water

    Add 1/2 cup of aquarium water to the tub every few minutes. Slow addition is crucial as corals are sensitive to changes in pH and salinity. Some aquarists prefer drip acclimation for a more gradual process, but be mindful of potential temperature drops. The entire acclimation should take no more than 30 minutes.

  • Step 4 (Optional): Dip Coral

    To reduce the risk of introducing pests and parasites into your aquarium, consider using a pest control dip. Commonly used solutions include Coral Rx for treating pests like flatworms and nudibranchs, and Lugol’s Iodine for bacterial infections. Regular dipping, even when transferring corals between tanks, helps maintain a healthy aquarium environment.

  • Step 5: Place the Coral in the Tank

    Select an appropriate location in your tank where the coral will receive suitable water flow and lower light levels initially. This allows the coral to acclimate to its new surroundings. If possible, use a quarantine system for initial acclimation, then follow the same steps to introduce the coral into the main display tank after the quarantine period.

  • Step 6: Enjoy

    Now that your coral is properly acclimated and settled in its new home, take some time to appreciate its beauty and uniqueness. Observe how it interacts with its environment and other tank inhabitants. Enjoy the vibrant addition to your underwater ecosystem!

  • Photosynesis

    Many reef-building corals host photosynthetic cells known as zooxanthellae within their tissues. This mutualistic relationship benefits both the coral and the zooxanthellae. The coral provides a safe environment and essential compounds for photosynthesis to these cells, allowing them to thrive.

  • Zooxanthellae

    In return, the zooxanthellae generate oxygen and assist the coral in removing waste products. More importantly, they produce glucose, glycerol, and amino acids as byproducts of photosynthesis. These nutrients are vital for the coral's metabolic processes and overall health.

  • Macronutrients

    The coral uses these substances to create proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and to produce calcium carbonate, which is essential for building its skeleton. This symbiotic relationship is crucial for the efficient recycling of nutrients in the nutrient-poor tropical waters where these corals are found, ensuring their growth and sustainability.

Supplemental Feeding with Rotifers and Phytoplankton

For optimal coral health and growth, supplemental feeding with rotifers and phytoplankton can be highly beneficial. Rotifers provide a rich source of protein and essential fatty acids, while phytoplankton supplies vital nutrients and enhances the coral's natural diet. Incorporating these supplemental feeds can significantly improve the vitality and coloration of your corals, ensuring a thriving reef ecosystem.